Marc Andreu

I have been a front end, backend and quality testing software engineer now I am following the path towards cybersecurity.

4 Side notes JAX London 2016

11th Oct – 11:30 to 12:20 Architectural Resiliency

“Innovation debt is the cost that companies incur when they don’t invest in their developers”

  • Architecture & design ideas for resilience:
    • Model for threads and failure. “What will we do if … ?”
    • Monitor and measure the results to track what is the actual improvement or deterioration.
      • Meantime to Failure MTTF
      • Meantime to Recovery MTTR
      • Meantime to Deploy MTTD
      • Meantime between failures MTBF
    • Measures do not need to be exact numbers. We are looking for reference points or tendencies.
  • Model stateless & asynchronous micro-services
  • Do not use distributed transactions
  • Implement with CWhatontinuous Delivery
  • Have owners for each micro-service.
  • Do not blame but motivate people to be accountable for each micro-service.
  • Keep the service up to date with continuous improvement. Apply Kanban principles.
  • Keep all logging of all services and applications with the same standard format. It reduces time to analyse failures.
  • Define recoverability behaviour for:
    • Circuit breaker
    • Throttle
    • Negative testing scenarios
    • Penetration testing
    • Chaos testing: Simian Army
    • Document system external dependencies
    • Practice disaster recovery scenarios (get in shape)
    • Implement test harnesses like
  • The thing to do more:
    • For the security features follow the Open Web Application Security Project OWASP.
    • It is paramount to “Validate inputs and standardized outputs”
  • Micro-services with event sourcing and Command Query Responsibility Segregation CQRS is a much more resilience system.
  • If you are in the middle of taking a big decision about going or not to implement micro-service architecture, it would help to read this good article. Manage opportunity costs instead of risks
  • Overall, to succeed working in a micro-services architecture it is required a Blameless culture in the terms of Etsy’s Winning Secret: Don’t Play The Blame Game!

That was all for this session. I hope it helps, please leave a comment if you would like to add something.

Posted by Marc Andreu Fernandez